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By working with wood I try to strengthen my unity with and reverence for nature. I try to give the tree a second life by bringing out its inner beauty. Forms in woodturning are not straight lines, but circles and spirals, just like nature and the many turnings of the dance of life! By displaying my work I hope to inspire your unity with and reverence for nature. I like to turn green wood, it gives you more latitude as to size, shape, grain direction, and cost of materials. The final shape of turned green wood is not totally predetermined. During turning, drying and curing, many strange and wonderful things can happen. The outcome of this is fascinating and wonderful, but not always successful. The wood shavings I use for composting and as mulch to conserve the soil moisture and keep it cool. If you have a dead tree and want a piece to thank it for what it meant for you, contact me and we can see what we can make of it.
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